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A pilot flying tourists around Botswana — SOS Schools

Our Africa Teaching Resources

A pilot flying tourists around Botswana

You are a pilot flying tourists from Botswana’s capital, Gabarone, to the Moremi Game Reserve in the Okavango Delta.  What do you notice about how the landscape of the country changes as you fly north?


Link to 'A pilot flying tourists around Botswana' pdf

How this fits

This scenario asks pupils to picture and describe the different ecosystems within Botswana.  In doing so it will be necessary for pupils to consider how land use varies within ecosystems.

Curriculum links


1.2b Knowing where places and landscapes are located, why they are there, the patterns and distributions they create, how and why these are changing and the implications for people.

3c The locations of places and environments.

3f Physical geography, physical processes and natural landscapes.


3.4c Human activity and natural processes can lead to changes in the environment.  

Where to go

Map of Botswana; Geography & Wildlife; Climate & Agriculture; Tourism & Communications.

What to watch

Welcome to Botswana!; Trees.

Follow-up questions

  1. Which out of the Kalahari Desert and the Okavango Delta would you expect to have the greatest biodiversity?
  2. Why might the Okavango Delta need protecting?

Tags: ecosystems; population & settlement; population density & distribution

About scenarios:

Scenarios are teaching resources designed for use in the classroom or as homework. They are linked to the National Curriculum and content on the Our Africa website. See about scenarios for more information on the topics used and their position in the curriculum.