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Transporting goods from Cape Town, South Africa — SOS Schools

Our Africa Teaching Resources

Transporting goods from Cape Town, South Africa

You work on a cargo ship transporting goods from Cape Town to Europe.  What goods might be being shipped?


Link to 'Transporting goods from Cape Town, South Africa' pdf

How this fits

This scenario requires pupils to think about where certain products are being grown and by whom, and how those products reach the UK market.

Curriculum links


1.2a Understanding the interactions between places and the networks created by flows of information, people and goods.

1.4a Exploring the social, economic, environmental and political connections between places.  

3h Interactions between people and their environments, including causes and consequences of these interactions, and how to plan for and manage their future impact.


1.3c Considering the interconnections between the UK and the rest of Europe and the wider world.

2.3c Analyse the impact of their actions on communities and the wider world, now and in the future.

Where to go

Climate & Agriculture; Economy & Industry; Map of South Africa.

What to watch

Welcome to South Africa! (video)

Follow-up questions

  1. Do you think it is more likely to be white African farmers or black African farmers growing grapes to make wine?  Why?
  2. Do you think wine is commonly drunk in South Africa?  Why/why not?  What might be commonly drunk?

Tags: development; trade; economic activities; farming; food

About scenarios:

Scenarios are teaching resources designed for use in the classroom or as homework. They are linked to the National Curriculum and content on the Our Africa website. See about scenarios for more information on the topics used and their position in the curriculum.