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SOS Schools in Bangladesh — SOS Schools

SOS Schools in Bangladesh

SOS School Bogra BangladeshSOS Primary and Secondary School Bogra

SOS College Bogra was established on 9th March, 1996. This college was set up to provide educational facilities to the children living at the SOS Children’s Village. To ensure effective socialisation of SOS Children, students from outside are also taken. The college is science-based one and puts emphasis on English Language. It tries to focus on liberal education, discipline and character-building. It is 6 km. away from the town and is situated in a place of scenic beauty.  The present strength of students in different classes in the College is 592. The total number of staff at present is 39.

SOS scholarship 2007 
We awarded  scholarship to 23 students in two categories–Merit and other category on 4th February 2008. Chief Guest of the occasion was Prof. Dr. Md. Sultan Ali, Principal, Govt. Azizul Haque College Bogra. One teacher was also awarded  Academic award in the same occasion. Enhancement of number of the scholarship for the students at double the strength is really encouraging.

Primary & Junior Scholarship Results
Two candidates of Junior scholarship Examination of 2007 from this college got scholarship in General grade. Five students from different institutions who got scholarship in Talent Pull took admission in our College in class IX.

In the Primary Scholarship Examination of 2007, 1 candidate got scholarship in Talent Pull and other three candidates got scholarship in General grade from this institution. Besides among new admission in class VI in the College there are five students of Talent Pull scholarship holders and two students of General grade scholarship holders in Primary Scholarship Examination of 2007.

In the year 2008, 17 and 15 students are selected for primary and junior scholarship Examination 2008. They are attending coaching classes regularly.

SSC & HSC Examination 2008
This year 35 candidates appeared at SSC final Examination under BISE Rajshahi.  Their results were published on 26 June 2008. 22 candidates got GPA-5.00 and 13 candidates got above GPA-4.00. The lowest GPA secured is 4.25.

In HSC Examination 2008, 36 candidates took part under BISE Rajshahi. Their result were published on 10 September 2008. 9 candidates got GPA -5.00, 16 got GPA-4.00 to 5.00, 8 candidates got GPA-3.50 to 4.00 and 3 candidates got GPA-3.00 to 3.50. The lowest GPA secured is 3.20.

This year 46 students are preparing for SSC Final Examination 2009 from this college. They have completed their Test Examination and they are attending coaching classes. In class XII, 36 students are in the process of preparing for HSC Final Examination 2009. They have completed Test Examination. Their coaching classes will start very soon.


College activities
1. International Mother Language Day was observed on 21st February 2008. Two wall papers were published by the students in this occasion.
2. The College has accomplished a tenure of twelve years successfully. This year we observed the College Foundation Day with special impact of this occasion on 9 March 2008. A souvenir named ‘BIKIRON’ was published in this occasion.
3. With due religious fervour the holy Eid-E-Miladun-Nabi (Sm) was observed on 21st March 2008 with all teachers and students of the College.
4. Three sessions of parents’ meeting were held as per schedule. Three term examinations were held in due time. Results of those examinations were published as per academic calendar.
5. The literary and cultural week was observed from 16th June to 22nd June 2008. Students of different institutions of Bogra participated on the competition. On 23rd June 2008 International SOS Day was celebrated. A Cultural Program was organized. Prizes were distributed to the prize winners of literary competitions by the chief guest of the occasion Dr. Md. Mahbubul Karim, Principal Shahid Ziaur Rahman Medical College Bogra. College annual Magazine was published on the occasion of SOS Day.

Laurels in Literary & Cultural Competition
1. The College Girls’ Handball team earned championship in Interschool and Madrasha Girls’ Handball competition in Upazila level. The team also secured runner up position in the District level competition of the same game.
2. Anika Naoshin of class V earned the 2nd position in District level Bogra in the Grameen Phone Art competition 2008. She will take part in the National Level competition of this item.

Training & Orientation of Teachers
1. A N M Aminul Islam, Lecturer of this College attended a training on the reform of Examination pattern which centres round the introduction of new policy of question setting on 19 July 2008.
2. Two Form Teachers Ms. Tanjida Khanom and Ms. Smriti Rani Bashak took part in the training program on new method of setting question known as SRIJANSHIL PROSHNO PADDHATI on 19 July 2008.

Among lapses and achievements the college is moving forward under the able patronage of SOS Children Bangladesh. Let’s all share together to remove the sufferings of our children.


SOS Primary School Chittagong

The SOS Primary School was opened in 1989. There are nearly 250 children enrolled. The building is designed to be a cyclone shelter.

Update report from 2008:

At present we have 242 students. This is made up as follows:

  • SOS Students –40 boys + 30 girls = 70
  • Outside Students -80 boys +92 girls = 172

At present we have ten full time teaching staff, two supporting staff & three part time staff.
We have started the new academic session of the year 2008 from 1 January. New admission for Prep – I class continued 1 January to 3 January. Our school foundation day has been celebrated on 25 January. The academic prizes of the year 2007 has been distributed on the foundation day. Our Project Director Mr. Md. Faizul Kabir was the chief guest of the function. The Annual Sports of SOS School Chittagong was held on 30 January 2008. Mr. Md. Abdus Sattar, Deputy Director, Secondary and Higher Education, Chittagong Zone, Chittagong was the chief guest of the programme.

The students of Class IV & V have visited the Chittagong Veterinary & Animal Sciences University on the 16 Feb 2008. We have observed International Mother Language Day on 21 February with due respect  A handwriting competition and Bangla spelling competition have been arranged for the students from Class – II to Class - V.

We completed the Annual Health Check-Up of our student in the month of February.
Eid-e-Miladunnabi has been celebrated on the 23 March, 2008. Professor Anwora Begum, Principal Agrabad Mahilla College was the chief guest at the event. An Open Art Competition was held in observance of the Independence Day on 26 March. More about 250 children attended the competition. Professor Gazi Salahuddin was the chief guest of the programme.

A discussion meeting was held in order to observe the Death Anniversary of Prof.  Special coaching were arranged for those in need on Thursdays & after normal class hours. Special coaching has also been arranged for the students appearing in the Primary Scholarship Exam. SOS School Chittagong Bangladesh

Five of our students achieved primary scholarship in the Primary Scholarship Exam – 2007. Among them three are in the talent pool & two are in general grade.
The Scholarship Giving Ceremony was held on 10 May 2008. Mr. Jamal Nazrul Islam, Professor Emeritus, Research Centre for Mathematical & Physical Sciences, Chittagong University, was the chief guest of the programme.

We have celebrated the birth anniversary of the two eminent poets Rabindranath Tagore & Kazi Nazrul Islam on the 22 May 2008.  The week has been celebrated from 16th June to 19th June .Class wise cultural competition has been organised on this occasion. A Big Children Party has been arranged on the 23rd June. Mr. Zaker Hossain Additional Deputy Commissioner (Education & Development) Chittagong was the chief guest. School has celebrated Eid Reunion Program on the 16 October 2008.

We celebrated the Children Fair on the 25th October. Mr. Hossain Jamil, Divisional Commissioner, Chittagong Division was the chief guest of the fair. An Open Art Competition was held on 16 December on celebration of the Victory Day.

Before we conclude we would like to express our deepest gratitude to our President for his kind & generous disposition towards the welfare of the students, teacher & other staff of this institution.



SOS School Dhaka BangladeshSOS Primary and Secondary School Dhaka

The combined SOS Primary and Secondary School at Dhaka opened in January 1986. Its 24 classes give an education to children from primary through to university entrance. There are over 1,000 children enrolled, 520 in primary and 600 in secondary. It is recognised as one of the top schools in the country.

Each class has a maximum of 36 students and the pupil:teacher ratio is good. The school has its own chemistry, physics and biology laboratories as well as a computer class. It also provides lots of additional activities for the students, such as sports, lectures, discussions or even painting competitions. The aim was to create a model school which would be used by the wider community.


Update from 2008:

Admission in Different Classes:

Classes and other activities of the new academic year began on 1 January. A total of 102 new students were admitted in different classes (Prep-I to Class-IX) including 45 in Prep- I and 34 in Class I. In the college section 100 students were admitted in Class-XI. In December the total number of students in the college stood at 1089 Including 536 boys and 553 girls. The total number also includes 102 SOS children of whom 57 were boys and 45 girls.

Tuition Fee Enhancement:
As per the decision of the college Governing Body students’ monthly tuition fees and other annual charges were raised from January 1, 2008.

 Scholarship Awards:
The  Scholarships for the year 2008 were handed over to the recipients on 22 January which included 37 students and 2 teachers received the awards. The Continental Director of SOS Children for Asia was also present on the occasion. An amount of about BDT 350,000 was spent for the scholarship programme.

College Foundation Day:
The 22nd anniversary of the college foundation day was observed on 19 January.

College Annual Sports:
The 22nd Annual Sports of the college was held on 04 February. Director General of Secondary and Higher Education was present as chief guest and gave away the prizes.

Annual Milad:
The birth anniversary of Prophet Muhammad was held on 02 February. Prizes were distributed among the winners of the Qirat Competition held to mark the occasion.

International Mother Language Day:
The International Mother Language Day (21 February) was celebrated by arranging a cultural programme and publishing wall magazines. Students also took part in a rally organized by the Bangladesh National Commission for UNESCO.

International SOS Day:
The International SOS Day was observed on 23 June. To mark the occasion (17-23 June) the week’s programme included cultural competitions, science fair, handicrafts display, book exhibition and children’s painting competition. A large number of educational institutions of the city took part in various competitions. The National Director of SOS Children Bangladesh Mr. G. A. Ishaque attended a cultural programme on 22 June. On the concluding day (23 June) Ms. Sultana Kamal, an eminent lawyer and former Advisor of the Caretaker Government, was present as chief guest and gave away prizes among the winners of different competitions.

Training Programme on HIV/AIDS:
A two day training programme on HIV/AIDS was arranged in the college to make the teachers more skilled in dealing with the subject in class. All teachers of the college participated in the training programme. The opening session of the programme was also attended by Mr. G. A. Ishaque, National Director, SOS Children Bangladesh and Chairman, Governing Body of the college. 

World Environment Day:
The World Environment Day was observed on June 5. A programme was arranged in the college auditorium and a number of saplings were planted by the students and teachers in the campus.

Eid Reunion & Class Party:
The students celebrated Eid Reunion on 25 October and Annual Class Party on 20 November.

Primary and Junior Scholarship Examination Results:
In the Primary level 10 and 4 students won scholarships in the Talent Pool and General Grade respectively. In the junior level 4 and 8 students got the awards in the Talent Pool and General Grade categories.

Results of Board Exams:
78 students took part in the SSC Examinations. Among them 68 got GPA 5 and the remaining 10 students got GPA 4+. The percentage of pass is 100. 97 students sat for the HSC Examinations of whom 69 got GPA 5. Among the rest of the students 27 got GPA 4+ and only 1 student got GPA 3.5. The percentage of pass is 100. All GPA 5 achievers were awarded crests by the National Director of SOS – Bangladesh.

Teacher Training:
A number of teachers of the college received training (period ranging from 2 days to 2 weeks) in different subjects. The trainings were organised by District Education Office and BRAC.

Examinations and Results:
The 3rd Term Examinations for students of Classes I-IX were held from November 01 to 18 and the results were announced on 04 December. Earlier the results of Class-X Test were announced on November 08. The results of Class-XII were also announced on 15 December.

ATN Bangla Debate:
The College Debate Team won the Runner-up trophy in the ATN Bangla Debate Competition participated by 16 selected teams.

We are looking forward to further strengthening our achievements by learning from our past mistakes and identifying our weaknesses. We seek co-operation from all concerned in our quest


SOS Primary and Secondary School Khulna

The combined SOS Primary and Secondary School at Khluna opened in January 1987. There are around 450 children enrolled, 300 in primary and 140 in secondary.

Update from 2008:

The year 2008 was a successful academic year for SOS School, Khulna. We were able to run the school smoothly with goodwill. In the academic year 2008, there were 455 students (Boys 226, Girls 229) in our school. Among them 94 were our SOS children.

a) Examinations: In 2008, 16 students from our school sat for the S.S.C Examination as the 8th batch. Among them 5 students got A+ and 11 got A Grade. The percentage of pass was 100%. This year one student got Junior Scholarship in General Grade.

b) Co-curricular activities: Students from our school took part in different co-curricular activities and were able to show their excellence.

c) Community activities: Students of our school also took active participation in community activities as usual. They attended a number of seminars and rallies held on different social, national and international occasions.

d) Special achievements: Like the previous years, students from our school took part in different cultural competitions at district, division and national level this year. They took part in competitions like ‘Debate Competition’, ‘Recitation Competition’, ‘Jatio Shishu Purashkar Protijogita-2008’ by ‘Shishu Academy’, ‘Jatio School-Madrasa Grishmakalin Protijogita’-2008, ‘Shahityo Sangskritik Protijogita-2008’, ‘Science & Technology Fair-2008’ etc. and grabbed a number of prizes which included 25 1st prizes. Tanvir Alam Ayon of class VI took part in the ‘Math Festival-08’ arranged jointly by ‘Prothom Alo & Dutch Bangla Bank’ and became 1st Runner Up at Division level.

e) Administration: Regular teachers and management meetings were held to discuss overall academic progress and problems of the school. Guardian meetings with the class teachers were held on each Thursday. Annual Parents’ Meeting was held before the 3rd Terminal Examination.

f) Teachers & Staff: At present 23 regular and 1 part-time teacher are working in our school. Besides, an accountant and 4 supporting staff (regular-2, part-time-2) also work here. All the teachers and staff are very sincere, hardworking and devoted to their duties.

g) Discipline: Strict discipline was maintained for attendance, uniforms and behavior of the students during the year. Guardians were provided with all necessary information in every Parents’ Meeting.

h) Programs & activities: We observed all national and international programs with enthusiasm. The Annual Sports and Annual Milad were duly held.  Awards were given to a total of 25 students and 01 teacher this year. A number of prominent personnel visited our school this year.

j) Training and orientation courses/workshop:
• Senior teachers of our school Indrojit Kumar Mondal , Dipak Kumar Biswas, Debdyuti Mondal and Rahima Khanom took training on S.B.A. Seniror teachers Rashida Khatun,  Dipak Kumar Biswas, took training on T.Q.I.
• Principal, senior teachers Hosne Ara Parvin and Md. Mofizul Haque took training on S.M.C (School Management Committee) and S.B.A.