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Child Sponsorship Background from Dapaong, Togo — Sponsor a child in Togo — SOS Children

Child Sponsorship Background from Dapaong, Togo

SOS Nursery School Lome TogoSOS Children's Village Dapaong

At SOS Children's Village Dapaong, up to children can find a new home. The village consists of family homes, an administration unit, the house of the village director, a house for the so-called SOS aunts (SOS mother trainees or family helpers who support the SOS mothers in their work or fill in for them when they are sick or on leave) as well as a guest house where SOS Children's Village co-workers can stay while they are participating in training workshops.

Other SOS Projects in Dapaong

The SOS Nursery, which was also opened in June 2007, and the SOS School are both open to children from the neighbourhood. The school comprises classrooms and a canteen. The SOS Nursery consists of two group rooms, where children can be taken care of.

The SOS Social Centre runs family-strengthening programmes to support needy families and children from the neighbourhood. It also includes a small medical centre, which offers basic medical care to the people of the neighbourhood.

The SOS Social Centre provides social services such as parent counselling, support during the job hunt, family-supporting measures, distributions of food items and medicines, scholarships for children etc. The aim of the family-strengthening programmes is to keep families from falling apart and thereby prevent children from being taken out of their familiar surroundings. The co-workers of the SOS Social Centre can look after 100 children from needy families.

Background to Dapaong

Dapaong (also known as Dapaongo or Dapango) is a city in northern Togo. It is situated 638 km north of the capital Lomé, near the border with Burkina Faso. It is a market town and has a small museum.