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Child Sponsorship background from Juah, Liberia — Sponsor a child in Liberia — SOS Children

Child Sponsorship background from Juah, Liberia

SOS Social Centre Juah Town LiberiaSOS Children's Village Juah Town

SOS Children's Village Juah Town is situated in Grand Bassa County in the country's interior. It was opened on 19 August 2000. A little bit more than half a year after its official inauguration on 25 September 2002, it had to be closed again in May 2003 due to fierce fighting and the precarious situation in the country's interior. In September 2005, SOS mothers and children were able to finally move back to their homes. The SOS Children's Village consists of six family houses, where up to 60 children can find a new home. There is also the village director's house, a guest house for co-workers, an administration and service area, a small clinic, and a little building that houses a generator.

Other SOS Projects in Juah Town

At the same time as the SOS Children's Village Monrovia the SOS Nursery and the SOS School started operating. The SOS Nursery comprises four classrooms and  some adjoining rooms. Up to 75 children can be taken care of at the SOS Nursery. The SOS School has twelve classrooms, a physiochemical lab, administration and service area and a playground. At the moment, 315 pupils get an education at the school.

Background to Juah Town

Juah Town is approxiamtely 100km away from the capital of Liberia, Monrovia.  It is situated in Grand Bassa, a county in the west-central portion of Liberia. The county itself has a population of 250,000. Unrest has been common in the region in the last few years.