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SOS Social Centres in Mexico — SOS Medical and Social Centres

SOS Social Centres in Mexico

In Mexico there are currently five Social Centres for children and the local community, including those in Tehuacan and Comitan.  Many SOS Social Centres operate via Family Strengthening Programmes, which aim to support the wider community.  Below is some information about some of the Social Centres that SOS Children runs in Mexico:

SOS Social Centres around Mexico: In-Depth

SC ComitanComitán

Description of SOS Social Centre/FSP:

SOS Social Centre Comitán runs a day-care centre, which consists of six group rooms, a dormitory and a multi-purpose hall. It accepts up to 150 babies and children, both from the SOS Children's Village and the local community. Furthermore, the SOS Social Centre supports the local community through different measures of family strengthening, for example by organizing childminding programmes or special workshops for parents.

Work and Achievements:

The coverage reached in year 2009 at the Social Center was 110% and 74% for centres and community homes.

Broadcasting was made using local and state mass-media to celebrate 15 years of the SOS children’s villages in Chiapas. It was very important because, through diverse activities, the programmes and work of the organization in this State was let known.

During July, the campaign “Brinda Buen Trato Recibe Buen Trato” (Give Polite Treatment and Receive Polite Treatment) was broadcasted through local mass-media, whose opening took place at a forum in the city’s theater. Approximately, 350 people attended. The most important topics were: how to give polite treatment, psychological abuse, negligence by the parents, children’s rights and how to take advantage of children’s creativity.

Talks, workshops, gatherings and diverse activities were taught at each home and community centres. Four meetings were held at the community centre with the support of external speakers with topics focused on the campaign for polite treatment and one first results and achievements assessment was done, being this open to continue on working next year.


Description of SOS Social Centre/FSP:

The SOS Social Centre runs a day-care centre for up to 50 babies and children. Furthermore, it supports the local community through different measures of family strengthening, for example by organizing childminding programmes or special workshops for parents

Work and Achievements:

The SOS Tehuacan Family Strengthening Programme reached 97% of its coverage at the social centre and 86% in community homes.

The good relationships with local municipal authorities lead to the condonation of property rights and waters service payment of the social centre and direct support in the most needed community homes. We continue working with SEDESOL through child care centres programme providing economical support directly to community homes and providing training allowing improving assistance quality for children, as well as of places. Courses taught are: first aids and accidents prevention; education planning; singing and games. Through the alternatives group “Quali”, we obtain support from a nutritionist regarding training, follow up and elaboration of menus. The Intra-family Violence Assistance Centre provides training and legal support for violence victims. Te group of trainers is focused on topics regarding polite treatment and tenderness pedagogy. There is support by the team of social services of pedagogy, psychology, physical culture and a group of volunteer doctors, psychologists, professors and lawyers.

In this year, the Work Training Institute in Puebla certified 38 teaching mothers, obtaining a certification on: Children Care at Childcare Centres, which was approved by all participants, allowing them to be work at some local schools.

Textla Gutierrez

Description of SOS Social Centre/FSP:

The SOS Social Centre comprises a medical treatment centre, four training workshops, eight houses for outpatient treatment and the SOS Therapy Centre for children with special needs. The therapy centre offers different types of occupational, speech-, hydro-and physiotherapy. The SOS Social Centre has a capacity for up to 150 children, 80 of which are non-residents. The outpatient children generally stay at the SOS Children's Village for three weeks, and then they return to living with their families in other parts of Chiapas. In the training workshops, the children's practical abilities are developed through activities such as pottery, painting and gardening, according to their special needs.