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Remember someone like Eli — SOS Children

Remember someone like Eli

You could help someone like Eli, a young girl from SOS Children's Village Tirana, who is now well on her way to independence and has applied to university, after losing her parents when she was young. She shares with us her success story.

My Success Story

Girl Eli Albania"In September 1995. Four of us, my three brothers and I, came together to the family of our SOS mother Duhija. I remember that I wasn't scared, I was happy to have a family again. I began calling our SOS mom Duhija 'mom' from the first day.

This kind woman with a soft voice became a true mother to my brothers and me from the moment we met her.

I still visit my family every Saturday and over each holidays. I have vague memories of my own family and being able to have a second one is the biggest treasure for me.

We are a very close family in which every member knows he or she can rely on the others at any time. My mom always says that she will be an SOS mother until every last one of us is fully independent.

Apart from missing my family, I looked forward to moving to the SOS Youth Home.

Every youngster in SOS Children's Villages Albania goes through a two-year preparatory programme before the move, so I was well prepared. I knew how to cook, how to wash my clothes, to clean and to organize myself. Also, I had my older brother here who helped me at first.

I will take the university entry exam this summer at the faculty of social studies here in Tirana. My dream is to one day work as a teacher in the SOS Children's Village.

It will be difficult, though, because entering the university became very hard. But with my knowledge and support, I know I can give it the best shot."

*Names have been changed to protect privacy

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