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SOS Schools in Bulgaria — SOS Schools

SOS Schools in Bulgaria

Children at the SOS Nursery School, Dren, BulgariaUpdate report from 2008:

The educational activities in the SOS Nursery School during the school year 2007/2008 were carried out in accordance to a education programme, approved by the  Bulgarian Ministry of Education. During 2007/2008 in the register were 31 children but the average number of attendance was around 26 children. As the SOS Nursery School is a public municipality service we started negotiations with the Municipality of Radomir to overtake that responsibility for the SOS Nursery School in Dren. As a result from the negotiations we came to an agreement and the Radomir Municipality overtook from us the Nursery School.

At present 4 children from the SOS village attend the SOS Nursery School.  Unfortunately, the children from the village Dren are less than that number. For the moment the SOS Nursery School functions due to the children that are coming from the state children’s home but they are not attending the nursery school regularly. This development of the situation could lead to closing the SOS Nursery School the next year and to confront us with a problem about the future provision of a nursery school service for the children from the SOS Children's Village Dren.