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Sponsor a child in Georgia now!

Sponsor a Child in Georgia

If you wish to sponsor a child you can sponsor children in our two Children's Villages in Tbilisi and in Kutaisi. To support our other family programmes in Georgia you could make a regular donation or sponsor a village.

Sponsor a village in Georgia

SOS Child in Georgia

There is an increasing number of vulnerable children and families in Georgia because of the continuing socio-economic problems. SOS Children in Georgia is focussing more of its work on prevention of child abandonment and on supporting vulnerable families. SOS Children works with other organisations such as a local state-run nursery school, which serves the local community and acts as a bridge to the community. We hope to be able to work in partnership with other local government and non government organisations, sharing our experiences and learning from others, as well as accessing possible financial partnerships with others. Within this programme we will be providing information about HIV/AIDS for children and their families.

SOS Children in Georgia

In April 2004, SOS Children, Tbilisi in Georgia intoduced the Playbus, which their director describes as a social centre on wheels - a mini-bus with equipment and a team of four professionals. The Playbus works with local schools, especially nursery schools, and orphanages organising play activities in the city of Tbilisi.

During the summer the Playbus team works in parks and playgrounds where street children, children from orphanages and other children are able to take part in play activities. The team works in the suburbs of the city as there are fewer opportunities for children’s entertainment in the suburbs. Taking part in the Playbus activity is free and the activities are tailored to different age groups. It is not just the children and young people who take part. Parents and grandparents enjoy doing so too. About 26,000 children and adults take part every year.

One mother who had recently moved into a suburb of Tbilisi took part in the Playbus activities. She said that had moved to live in that district just some time ago and had not known anybody. The Playbus activities gave her the chance to meet her neighbours and make friends with them.

One of the youngsters said: “What does this Playbus do for me? I don’t want to leave the Playbus activity and go to play games on the computer. I used to spend 6-8 hours on playing computer games and now…”

SOS Children has been running a programme in Kutaisi in Georgia to help prevent children being abandoned since 2004. This programme is run in partnership with Kutaisi Social Service of the Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia. The work is shared: SOS Children’s Village Kutaisi supports the families with food and Kutasi Social Service provides cash assistance. The list of beneficiaries is regularly reviewed so that families with the greatest need are helped. Help is given to the parents of children help their children at school. During the summer holidays they take part in the activities organized by Playbus team.