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Niger – SOS Social Centres


Niger – SOS Social Centres

In Niger there are currently three Social Centres for children and the local community, including those in Niamey and Tahoua.  Many SOS Social Centres operate via Family Strengthening Programmes, which aim to support the wider community.  Below is some information about some of the Social Centres that SOS Children runs in Niger:

SOS Social Centres around Niger: In-Depth


Description of SOS Social Centre/FSP:

The family strengthening programme offers access to essential services for children’s development (eg. educational, nutritional, health support, social skills) and supports families to protect and care for their children. The programme also aims at linking families with income generating activities and offers help to improve the parents’ parenting skills.

Work and Achievements:

During the year 2009, family strengthening program (FSP) managed three hundred (300) children (primary education recipients) divided in the districts of Dar Es Salam, Bobiel, Lazaret, Koira Tégui.  A Hundred and twenty two (122) households (families) constituting the secondary beneficiaries.

Several training sessions were organized for the people having dependent children in order to improve their knowledge as regards to management. These trainings related mainly to the personal hygiene, nutrition, children food and recourse to health facilities in the event of disease. They also aim at helping these people to have capacity and skills to promote income-generating activities.

The consultations, care and medical examinations were managed by the Program for primary and secondary education recipients.


Description of SOS Social Centre/FSP:

Within the SOS Children's Village compound, there is also an SOS Social Centre with a small SOS Medical Centre. This centre provides the local population with basic healthcare and various services such as educational counselling, parental counselling and guidance on how to find a secure source of income. It also supports local prevention measures. The social centre comprises a counselling area with offices for the social workers and an administration area. The medical centre consists of examination and treatment rooms as well as a small pharmacy. Up to 1,000 patients a month can be treated there.