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SOS Schools in Togo — SOS Schools

SOS Schools in Togo

In Togo, a fifth of young girls (aged 15-24) cannot read or write.

SOS Primary School Kara TogoIn Togo, there are currently three SOS Nurseries and two SOS Primary Schools. These facilities provide education to children from SOS Villages and from the wider community. Staff members are well trained and the resources available to students are of a high standard.  Below you can find an overview on the SOS Children education projects.

Anne's Story

Since their mother died and their father was forced to leave the village, Anne and her younger brother have been looked after by their older sister Diana. With help from SOS, Anne has been able to stay at secondary school, where she loves French, English and mathematics. When she grows up, Anne would like to be a lawyer.

Dapaong : SOS Schools

The SOS Nursery at Dapaong has around 60 children, around half of whom come from the SOS village and the remainder from the local community.

  • Learning is based around a variety of different topics, such as the animal world, flowers, the body and methods of communication.
  • As a way to discover their environment, the children are taken out on several trips during the year. Recently, outings have included a visit to the Togolese TV aerial and to the water dams of Daloak.

The SOS Primary School at Dapaong has around 160 students, nearly a third of whom come from the SOS village, with the remainder from the local community.

  • Recently, over 90 per cent of the children passed their end year assessments to move up to the next year. And all 8 children who took the First Degree Certificate Exam passed for Junior Secondary School, with three of the students ranked in the top 10 by the exam board.
  • Regular activities and events are held to raise awareness among the children of important issues such as HIV/AIDS and children’s rights.

Kara : SOS Schools

The SOS Nursery at Kara has around 90 children, with approximately 15 coming from the SOS village and the rest from the local community.

  • The nursery has new drawings over the classroom walls to inspire the children in their learning and development.
  • The topic of the human body has been the focus for the younger children, while the older ones have been looking at jobs and occupations. Trips to the Peuhl community who farm oxen and to a potter at Pya were organised so the children could see different types of work.

The SOS Primary School at Kara has around 435 children, including around 50 from the SOS Village and 20 from the Family Strengthening Programme, with the remainder from the local community.

  • Students at the school have nearly a 90 per cent success rate in passing their classes and recently all candidates entered for the Certificate of Primary Education were successful.
  • Around a third of pupils at the school come from underprivileged families and have been granted scholarships. The school also recently received a gift of musical instruments for pupils to share.

Lome : SOS Schools

The SOS Nursery at Lome has around 50 children, with a handful coming from the SOS village and the remainder from the local community

  • The nursery organises a range of activities to promote the physical, cognitive, emotional, aesthetic and artistic development of the children. Youngsters are taken on a variety of educational trips. Recent outings included a visit to a water processing factory, to the beach and to the International Trade Fair of Lomé.
  • Annual celebrations include a picnic to mark the end of the school year and a concert at Christmas.