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SOS Schools in Liberia — SOS Schools

SOS Schools in Liberia

In Liberia, a quarter of young people (aged 15-24) are unable to read and write.

SOS Nursery School Monrovia LiberiaIn Liberia, there are currently two SOS Nurseries and two SOS Schools. These facilities provide education to children from SOS Villages and from the wider community. Staff members are well trained and the resources available to students are of a high standard.  Below you can find an overview on the SOS Children education projects.

Christian's Story

Eleven year-old Christian has decided he would like to be a lawyer when he grows up “because I want to help many people who are having problems”. To achieve his ambition, Christian knows he will have to “study my lessons every day, try to get good grades and have good conduct.”

Monrovia : SOS Schools

The SOS Nursery at Monrovia has around 125 children, with around a quarter coming from the SOS village and the rest from the local community.

  • There are six classes at the nursery, divided into those for toddlers and classes for groups one, two and three. The nursery school strives to offer a good academic grounding in a friendly and caring environment.
  • The nursery encourages the development of the children’s all-round knowledge through trips, such as a recent visit to see the planes at an airfield and by holding a quiz competition with the children from Juah Town.

The SOS Primary and Secondary School at Monrovia has around 475 students, with approximately one quarter coming from the SOS village and the remainder from the local community.

  • Academic results continue to rise at the school, with a high proportion of students passing their exams at primary, junior high and senior high levels. Classes are held in morning and afternoon shifts and where children lack the required textbooks, the school is able to make these available on a rental basis.
  • Pupils at the school take part in a wide range of extracurricular activities, including art and sport. Our football, basketball and kickball teams enter the InterSchool Sports Association (ISSA) leagues and two of our teams recently reached the national ISSA quarter finals. Grade eleven students studying politics/government were pleased to have the opportunity of visiting the National Parliament and witnessing it in session.

Juah : SOS Schools

The SOS Nursery at Juah has around 120 children, with around 25 coming from the SOS village and the rest from the local community.

  • The nursery runs six classes for toddlers and groups one, two and three. Children are kept busy, stimulated and happy through a variety of activities, including trips to see places of interest. Recently, a visit was organised to the city of Buchanan and the Port, where our children were the first the Manager had welcomed to study the ships and harbour.
  • Sporting events are held with other nurseries and a dance competition took place to celebrate the start of the school year.

The SOS Junior High School at Juah provides the only junior secondary education in this rural locality. The School has around 150 students, with over a quarter coming from the SOS village and the remainder from the local community.

  • The aim of the school is to build each child’s mind, skills and values in a happy atmosphere. The school runs partnership programs with two others (St Peter Laver Catholic and the United Methodist), as well as with the Ministry of Agriculture department in Buchanan. These allow us to extend our supply of materials and books for learning, arts and agriculture.
  • Pupils can join a wide range of activities outside lessons, including membership of sporting teams such as football and kickball and clubs such as a Press club and those which raise awareness about Health and Child Protection issues. The school also holds spelling Bees, general knowledge quizzes and ‘back-to-school’ dance competitions to promote a fun environment for learning.